[ finish already ]

Monday, October 18, 2010

uh penat sgt2..xtaw nk kate ape dah..
klakar pon ade gak..
klakar nyer speaking tdi..ha ambik berterabur bi ak..giler + sengal = xcukup tidoq dah..waaaa..!!..
alhamdullilah dpt tjuk yg senang juga..about sport and games in over malaysia..
ak dpt point " venue "..ha ambik merepek meraban ak goreng ayat..smpai ak g ckp easy ti easer..wakakakakkaa....giler..nk gelak ak..nsb bek boleyh cover kot..yg sorang candidate boleyh plak g ckp " last sekali "..hahaha....rojak hbis....hehehe..lect yg jga tue pon gelak hbis jer kitaowg speaking.wakakakaka..nsb bek dpt group yg best juga...n msuk air..fhm lah each other....
suke sgt..!!!1

then pasal etr plak..
mule2 xbalance..perghhh giler 10sion ak...ngntuk ak bertapa kt bilik stdy ngn pkah n nadia..waaaaaaa..!!!..
solat,makan sume kt c2 r,,,mmg xkuar dr bilik stdy r....duk kt dalam tue 12 jam..dr 11pg smpai 11mlm..sharp..!! bru kuar..
giler down...then nad buat kt bilik dah nk kul 4 pg plak an..uichhh cian giler,..!!!!
nie pon td setting2...waaaaa...dah setting cc plak uat hal..waaaaa...nk binding...uhh tolong r..kami nk cepattt..!!lastly mmg hntar xsharp pon kul 10pg...dah lewat sgt ak hntar..waaaa.a..!!! xpelah.redha jer..at least do the best for viva oke MEKAR ENTERPRISE group..!!!...

oke lah...

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