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dis person bila dpt gelak, tak hingat dunia! hye peepss, welcome to new entry :) |
hye, assalamualaikum pembaca blogger , and blogwalking secara senyap . heee :)
lama juga tak jenguk blog ekin nie kan, so just nk merisik khabar on my blog .
actually, i busy sgt , tapi tak tau kenapa still take a minute to update my blog . * boleh kan ? *
after dis, dah boleh study dah , sbb nk cari mood study jaa :D * okay kalau tunggu mood, til bebila pun tak dtg . Heeee :)) *
actually,ape entry kali nie ya ? okay pasal blocking colour, as we know. semua kengkawan, on fb, depa upload pic, dinner mereka kt kampus betemakan " blocking color " awoseme ! * #ehh , mungkin tema Uitm or seluruh Universiti kot . hewhewhew :D *
let's we see pic , yang tak seberapa , tapi mungkin ada jalan cerita. hewww . selamat membaca and melawat di blog cik suka becok-becok . :))
p/s : tak semua pic sy upload, just a certain pic je tauu . maceh :)
dis is Farra wahida :) |
before dinner start, so candid kt dataran tue dulu ^^ |
suka gila performance mereka, #patahseribu #J&secondedition |
kami sama kan ?? :D |
truly in math ? i love math ? seriuslyy :D |
part 6 , buat performance. " nong neng nong neng " #terbaek ! |
cantik , gojesss :) |
penat melayan camera sana sini. wooot.woot. Retis you ! haha |
beauty of the year^^ |
shakown with kakak part 6 :) |
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with king og the year > HAHA ! | | | | | | | | | | |
0 1701 mereka yang rajin bergossip dgn cik.kyn:
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